The Dr. Seuss I most come into contact with inside the pages of old magazines is the one who illustrated ads for the insecticide Flit and the freelancing cartoonist whose work cropped up often in Liberty, the earlier incarnation of Life, Judge, and other magazines throughout the 1930’s.
As I searched my stock I couldn’t find anything available that was clearly labeled as containing a Flit ad, but I did find the November 5, 1932 issue of Liberty Magazine which includes a full-page Seuss cartoon:
Is the Bird in Hand REALLY Worth Two in the Bush?
By Dr. Seuss – Part 1
(Top Left) – Gus Apfel (North Bloomer, Ontario)
“I can’t say that I wish to be quoted.”
(Top Right) – Mahyeriz Mazerewski (Janitor of the Polish Corridor)
“Speaking from an absolutely unbiased point of view, locking my ears to the treacherous winds of prejudiced gossip, and staunchly entrenched in the fortress of equanimity, I think it’s six of one and half a dozen of another.”
(Bottom) – Ivar B. Kroll (Honorary Eagle Scout, Chickadee Patrol, Troop 4, Boy Scouts of Onbat, Esthonia)
“Yes and no.”
Happy Birthday to Theodor Geisel a.k.a. Dr. Seuss, born this date, 1904, lived until September 24, 1991.
For more information about Dr. Seuss and old magazine back issues be sure to visit Dr. Seuss and Magazines at the Magazine History blog.

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