Happy Columbus Day!
I’ve been at this little project for awhile. These articles have been tucked inside a far away corner of Immortal Ephemera for a few years now, though prior to that they did at one time have their own home. I wouldn’t imagine that the classic movie fans and collectors who visit Immortal Ephemera regularly were even aware of the presence of Collecting Old Magazines, but it was there.
Traffic was good, mostly organic through Google, and so once I realized that my hosting plan allowed me to host an unlimited number of sites on the same dime (thank you, Dreamhost!), I decided Collecting Old Magazines was well worth snapping off and placing on its own piece of web real estate once more.
The bulk of the heavy lifting which comprises the articles that make up Collecting Old Magazines was work I originally did between 2005-2007. Don’t let the dates worry you, it’s strong evergreen content. After all, the history of Life Magazine or the Saturday Evening Post haven’t changed too much in the passing years. I can look inside a January 30, 1904 issue of Harper’s Weekly to relive their original presentation of the Wright Brothers’ first flight just as well today as I could back in 2007 when I first posted that article.
Collecting-Old-Magazines.com launched back in 2005 hosted by a platform called SBI! It was pretty cool at the time as I really didn’t know how to build a handsome looking site on my own from scratch and my early experiences with WordPress 1-point-whatever assured me that I’d never be a blogger. Toying around SBI!’s back end finally taught me html and I found myself moving from Immortal Ephemera’s then FrontPage2000 construction over to html by my own hand. From there I cancelled my SBI! hosting to save money and moved the magazine site over onto Immortal Ephemera circa 2007. In 2009 I learned that WordPress 2-point-something was a lot easier to work with than that 1-point-whatever and by 2011 WordPress 3-point-now is beyond what I ever would have imagined. And so CollectingOldMagazines, sans hyphens, makes the move back to its own home.
Will I be posting a ton of new content here? I can’t say so for sure at this time though I will say that I still buy and sell old magazines and so by relaunching this site I now have somewhere to write about them again! And so that is something I imagine will naturally happen.
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For now, the next step is to find all of the non-movie magazine related content still posted to Immortal Ephemera via WordPress–it’s there–and move that over here. That’s content that was never part of the original hyphenated magazine site but was posted to my classic movie themed site post-2009 after I began switching everything over to WordPress. Once that’s all up I expect to post something new to this space every so often, even if it’s just bragging about some new arrivals.
Hope you enjoy, I’m excited to have the site back up on its own two feet!
I just stumbled onto your site. I was excited to find someone who has such a breadth of knowledge in an area that I have been working in for the past several years. I specialize in Ticket Stubs, Game Programs and Sports Illustrated through my ebay store, and just launched my first ecommerce site dedicated to Sports Magazines. I just subscribed to your blog and am looking forward to future posts. Thanks again.
Hi David,
Thank you for visiting! When I was a kid back in the 80’s and early 90’s I used to deal exclusively in vintage sports memorabilia, especially baseball. That’s one of the things I like about handling old magazines, I can still deal in some sports stuff.
Sharp looking store you have, I like!
Thanks for the nice compliment. You just popped into my inbox today in my eBay seller newsletter. Good Luck on the relaunch.
Hello Cliff
I’m writing in order to ask for your suggestion to can afford an old issue of Time magazine: 26 April 1926. I’m interested in the cover, even if it is a good scan or photograph in order to reproduce it in an exhibition (not in a big size but with a good definition quality). The Time website do not offer this possibility for this issue. Thanks in avance for your answer.
Hi Liliana,
Hmm, I see that it’s listed as unavailable. Were you able to access the larger version of the image HERE?
If not, you could try for an original issue somewhere such as Periodyssey, Leeflang Archives or More Magazines, but it will likely be very expensive.
Good luck! Cliff
I am trying to find a home for an old copy ( says Copyright 1913) of The Embroidery Book -The Ladies Home Journal Embroidery patterns. Did once have transfers but they are long gone.The designs are amazing. While the cover is a little torn the inside is fine. I wonder if anyone here could help me please?